Uren at Food Matters Live 2017

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Uren Food Group and our Flavour Partner; Aromatech had a successful 3 days exhibiting at Food Matter Live in November.
The stand highlighted our strong partnership that goes from strength to strength and we were able to showcase some of our innovative flavours and value added lines. Food Matter Live saw the UK launch of our ground-breaking natural ‘Mamey’ flavour that compliments the trend for new and exciting exotic tropical flavours…feedback was amazing with numerous requests for samples for future NPD work.
We welcomed current customers we love supporting and made some exciting new contacts that we can’t wait to begin working with.
If you missed the event and want to know how Uren can support your business with Innovative Flavours and Food Ingredients please contact James.oswald@uren.com for more information.
We look forward to hearing from you.